Climbing Krk: Baška climbing spots

Among many hiking trails Baška is also known for its 3 climbing spots ( Bunculuka, Belove Stene and Portafortuna). You can use those walls at your own risk. We recommend you to take care of your safety with all necessary climbing gear, don’t forget on the helmet.



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Portafortuna is a popular climbing area in Baška. It is located between Draga Baščanska and Punat. Climbing season lasts from March all the way to November. Parking, from which it takes about 20 minutes to reach the wall is located below the mountain pass TRESKAVAC, this is about ten miles away from Baška. The easiest way to find parking is to pay attention to the old, washed blue building (former disco Portafortuna), which is located on the opposite side of parking. When you park your car, go on the road towards Punat, over the bridge, and soon on your left side, you will see a little hill with a road, which you take towards the climbing spot. Along the way you will cross two doors in the paddock. Follow the well-walked and marked path. After 15 to 20 minutes of walking you will arrive at your destination. Climbing is located on a quite steep location, to access the wanted climbing wall you had to be quite careful not to slip somewhere, because, one wrong move and you could roll into the valley. The place did not have much room to change your shoes, which for me as a beginner was not the best first impression. However, my opinion changed the very moment I stared to climb. The wall felt perfect, it was just calling me to climb on her, her gray and yellow, slightly sharp from water corroded limestone made it all really pleasurable. When you reach the top of the wall you are mesmerized by a wonderful view. For a few moments I opened my mouth and looked into the distance. I took a deep breath of this wonderful moment and the feeling of freedom which is given to you when you reach the top. There is a lot of easy and medium-heavy directions, so that the climbing is ideal for beginners and less experienced. But of course there is as well a place for experts, who can find something more challenging. In sector A walls are short and intense. Otherwise, the directions are as long as thirty meters. They are equipped with stainless steel dowels and INOX expanders. This climbing spot hides in the shadow already in the early afternoon, so the  climbing is not too hot even in the mid-summer. Experts recommend that you should always wear a helmet while climbing, also because of the sheep that may launch some rocks, while they walk above the climbing spot. For a while I was enjoyably watching the experienced climbers, who took more demanding sectors. It was not long that in all of their beauty they’ve became a victim of my camera.



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In Baška there is a very well-known nudist camp Bunculuka. It is close to the center, so you can walk there. Otherwise, if you really want you can drive as well and park on the top, where the entrance is or down below. You need to walk a while either way. Once you are in the camp, you go towards the beach and continue towards the east, which will take about 5 minutes. You can see the climbing spot from afar. Despite the attractiveness of the walls we decided that we will not climb on this wall since the quality of the rock is not the best. Limestone is fairly brittle, but nevertheless in 1996 it became the first climbing wall on the island, which was equipped with bolts. Despite the poor quality of the rock, this has become a popular climbing area, which was in June 2008 renovated and expanded a bit. Today, there are 10 good and densely equipped sectors with views towards the sea. The maximum height is 15 meters. The fact that the climbing area is located right next to the sea, has definitely contributed to the popularity of climbing. During the summer, after five o’clock the shadow drops above the climbing area, which is perfect if you want to combine a day of sunny swimming and sunbathing with an evening of climbing in the shade. 



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Climbing area “Belove stene” is located between Draga Baščanska and Punat. A small parking area for climbers is located about 100 meters after the bridge on your right. The easiest way you will recognize it is by the stone letter from the Glagolitic alphabet, which is located at the parking lot (seen from the gallery). It is very important that you don’t miss the beginning of the trail that will lead you towards the climbing area. The trail is well-marked with arrows so don’t continue if you don’t see any arrows, otherwise you just might find yourself between the thorns and get lost in the woods. The route starts as it is indicated in the photo.

This is where the route starts

 From the parking to the walls the trail will took about half of an hour. Be careful to follow the red arrows. After about a mile you will reach the grassy plateau and its rocky surroundings, when you look up, you will see the beautiful “Belove stene”. Above the climbing wall there is the highest peak on the island Krk – Obzovo. There is a legend about this place. Apparently the climbing wall is named after the king of Belem, which was supposedly hiding from the Turks in the amphitheater below the walls. The walls are equipped with gear made ​​of stainless steel, carried out under the direction of an excellent and sharp limestone. Climbing is possible throughout the day, even on the hottest days, thanks to differently facing walls which are cooled by the help of the afternoon breeze which likes to blow in the Baščanska valley. However, it is smart to be attentive in the hottest days and go on the trail early in the morning, in order to avoid the scorching sun, which tends to be a bit unpleasant at the half-hour walk up toward the walls.

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